
Restart of Mount Boppy Gold Mine – Execution Update

Manuka Resources Limited (“Manuka” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide a progress update on the restart of gold doré production from its 100% owned Mt Boppy gold mine (“Mt Boppy”) located in the Cobar Basin, NSW (Figure 1).


Manuka is executing a strategy to construct a fit-for-purpose processing and gold doré production facility at its 100% owned Mt Boppy gold mine.Previously, ore from Mt Boppy had been hauled to and processed at the Company’s CIL plant located at the Wonawinta Silver Mine (“Wonawinta”) 150km south of Mt Boppy.Mt Boppy is forecast to be a low capex (A$11.6M), high margin (~A$19M EBITDA per annum) operation1.Relocation of the existing 400kW ball mill located at Wonawinta to Mt Boppy has commenced. The ball mill is surplus to requirements at Wonawinta where a 1800kW ball mill has been previously installed.Acquisition of a second-hand Inline Pressure Jig (IPJ) and Intensive Leach Reactor (ILR) has resulted in approximately A$850k savings versus that originally budgeted. The purchased equipment is currently undergoing refurbishment at Gekko Systems, the original equipment manufacturer.The Company is currently investigating opportunities to increase milling capacity and accelerate gold production at Mt Boppy.The Company is targeting first gold production from Mt Boppy in Q4 2024.

Dennis Karp, Manuka’s Executive Chairman, commented:

“The execution of our plan to restart gold operations at Mt Boppy is well underway.

The opportunistic purchasing of selected second-hand processing equipment is consistent with our low capex strategy that includes the leveraging and repurposing of existing assets including the Wonawinta 400kW ball mill, diesel generators, 48-man accommodation camp and mobile screening plant.

We look forward to providing regular updates to the markets as we progress towards first gold production at Mt Boppy.


The Mt Boppy gold mine is an existing gold operation comprising a brownfields open pit and associated historic ROM stockpiles, rock dumps and tailings.

In April 2024, Manuka announced a strategy whereby a fit-for-purpose processing and gold production facility would be established at Mt Boppy for a capital cost A$11.6M to generate an average EBITDA of ~A$19M per annum over an initial 5-year period2.

A sonic drilling program over the Main Rock Dump and Tailings Storage Facility 3 (“TSF3”) was completed in late 2023 which improved confidence in Resource3 grade and ore type distribution and underpins the updated production strategy.

Previously, ore mined by Manuka at Mt Boppy had been hauled 150km to the CIL process plant located at Wonawinta at a cost of ~A$27/t. The updated strategy of on- site processing is expected to save in the order of A$7M per annum.

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